  • South Carolina Historical Society

168th Annual Meeting

Saturday, March 4, 2023 11:00 AM
Saturday, March 4, 2023 11:00 AM
Email us hannah.mooney@schsonline.org Call us at (843) 723-3225 ext. 111.

Registration for this event has closed. Contact Hannah at hannah.mooney@schsonline.org or (843) 723-3225 ext. 111 with questions.


Join us in Greenville, SC for the South Carolina Historical Society’s 168th Annual Meeting! The day's events will include a business meeting, mimosa social, and luncheon featuring speaker James C. Cobb, Ph.D. Dr. Cobb is a Professor Emeritus of the University of Georgia and one of the premier historians of the American South. A former president of the Southern Historical Association, his writing has focused on the interactions between the economy, the history and the culture of his native region. Dr. Cobb will be discussing his new book, C. Vann Woodward: America's Historian, which offers great insight into the career and life of a man who impacted both academia and the public’s perception of historical truth. 

Attendees will also receive free admission to the Upcountry History Museum, located at 540 Buncombe Street in Greenville. Please visit upcountryhistory.org for more information on the museum and its exhibitions.

Tickets are $75/members of the South Carolina Historical Society; $85/nonmembers.

Please note any dietary restrictions in the "additional comments" section.

Contact Hannah at (843) 723-3225 ext. 111 or hannah.mooney@schsonline.org with questions.