  • South Carolina Historical Society

Tracing Time: Uncovering Our Ancestors' Stories

Tuesday, January 7, 2025 6:00 PM
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 7:00 PM
ZOOM Webinar
Email us hannah.mooney@schsonline.org Call us at (843) 723-3225 ext. 111

If you missed this program, the recording is available to watch on our YouTube channel! Click here to watch.


Join the South Carolina Historical Society for a powerful exploration of the intertwined histories of slavery, both from the perspective of descendants of the enslaved and the descendants of enslavers and traders. COO and Director of Collections Virginia Ellison will moderate this discussion with South Carolina authors Dr. Walter Curry and Margaret Seidler for a rich dialogue about the legacies of these histories and how they are remembered, interpreted, and visually represented. During this session, both authors will describe their family research within private and public archival collections throughout South Carolina and the nation and explore how the descendants of enslaved people carry forward their ancestors' stories, and how the descendants of enslavers deal with the complicity of their forebears. 

This is a free, virtual event that will take place over ZOOM Webinar. Registrants will receive a link to view the webinar once they have completed registration.

This event is sponsored by Kathleen Crum McKinney. Thank you!