  • South Carolina Historical Society

Landmark Conference 2025

Event Registration

Register for the Landmark Conference in Sumter, March 27-29, 2025. Sessions and tours celebrate Sumter history in the context of state and national history. The Conference is also a wonderful, relaxing opportunity to connect and reconnect with historians from across the state.


We're grateful for our presenting sponsor, Love Sumter, and our additional sponsors Sumter Museum, Sumter County Genealogical Society and South Carolina Historical Society.


Full, updated Conference information is available on our website, csclhs.org/landmark-conference. Contact us at sclocalhistory@gmail.com or 864-431-1571 if you have questions or concerns. 

To Register:
If you plan to attend the entire conference, then select one of the first 3 "Full Conference" tickets for either Members*, Non-Members, or Students.

If you can only attend some of the conference events, members* can select as many of the next 5 event tickets as they are able to attend. Non-member tickets for those events are the last 5 items in the list.
Please enter your membership organization and any dietary restrictions in the "Additional Comments" text box
*Not a member? Go ahead and register, then join via our website or by mail. Full details are available on our Membership page.
We recommend using these internet browsers for registration: Google Chrome or Mozilla FireFox 

Your Contact Information



Activity Price Quantity Total
Non-members- Full Conference $200.00
After 2/28/25
Members - Full Conference $175.00
After 2/28/25
Students- Full Conference $75.00
After 2/28/25
Members- Friday Evening $40.00
Members- Thursday $20.00
Members- Friday Sessions and Lunch $40.00
Members- Saturday Tours and Lunch $20.00
Members- Saturday Workshop $0.00
Non-members- Thursday $25.00
Non-members- Friday Sessions and Lunch $45.00
Non-members- Friday Evening $45.00
Non-members- Saturday Tours and Lunch $25.00
Non-members- Saturday Workshop $5.00
  Total: $0.00
Total Amount Due: $0.00